Monday, April 29, 2013

Five Pillars of Islam

1. The shahadah is central to the Muslim faith because it affirms the Muslim belief that there is only one God.

2. Salat mentally helps Muslims to live in obedience to the will of Allah because it gives them time to focus on their beliefs and how they will live them out. Physically, salat requires a person to bow down into a vulnerable position, signifying that Allah is mightier than humans.

3. Zakat shows that Allah’s will is for all people to be taken care of and treated equally. Through their almsgiving, Muslims are committed to helping the less fortunate in their communities.

4. Sawm mentally allows a person to live in obedience to the will of Allah because it requires a person to fast all day; something that is hard for many to do without faith or a reason. It physically  allows a person to live in obedience to the will of Allah because it reinforces that suffering that the marginalized go through on a daily basis, thus reiterating the message of zakat.

5. I think that the hajj is a pillar of Islamic faith because it allows believers from all over the world to come together to practice their faith as a global community. I think that this is similar to the Catholic practice of going to Rome and Vatican City because of their religious significance; however, it differs because Muslims go to Mecca all at once while Catholics go to the Vatican as they please. Additionally, the hajj is required for Muslims; a pilgrimage is not required for Catholics.

6. Many of the possible challenges of living the Five Pillars stem from living in a non-Muslim country. When everyone has the same goal in mind, it is easier for a person to focus on what they need to do. However, when those practicing the Five Pillars, especially salat and sawm, are the minority, it may be difficult for one to focus on their faith.

Sunday, April 28, 2013

The 99 Names Of God

I am not a firm believer in God whatsoever, so I will state the following things from my experience of Catholic education, as if I do believe in said things. I may not believe in anything I say.

God is "The Bounteous". I stated this as feminine because women are bountiful in the fact that, unlike men, they are able to carry and give birth to a child. They have the fruit of the womb. God is bountiful because of his creations. He had the ability to create the human race, and all of the earths' creatures.

God is "The Guardian". He is a guardian because He watches over his people and guides them in their life. When I believed in God, he was my moral guidance in life. He was the most important thing in my life because he truly watched over me, and made me feel like I was blessed with if these things all happened for a reason. His plan is a part of how he looks out for us.

God is "The Dominating". He is dominating because he controls everything. He needs to, and he does. He makes sure he has followers because of his leading need. If he has no believers, who is he to dominate?

God is all of these things because he is everything. It is a pretty simple concept. He is everything, and contains every type of feeling that we feel. There is no need for which is feminine or masculine ..considering they are all stereotypes/gender roles from how our society sees "feminine" & "masculine".

Tuesday, April 16, 2013

Islam Webquest


1) 2.1 billion

2) Afghanistan, Algeria, Azerbaijan, Bangladesh, Comoros, Djibouti, Egypt, Gambia, Iran, Iraq

3) Morocco

4) 2,595,000


Key Beliefs:

1) There is one God who cannot be described or compared to anything.

2) Angels are the messengers of God who do his will.

3) God reveled his word to humans so that they might believe in him.

4) Prophets spread God’s message but are not divine.

5) All people will be judged when they are resurrected.

6) People have free will and are responsible for their actions and the repercussions caused by them.

Teachings of Muhammad

1) Muslims must pray 5 times a day.

2) Muslims must fast during Ramadan.

3) Muslims must try to go to Mecca at least once.


1) the last revealed word of God

2) Arabic, because that is the language that it was revealed in and translations would cause discrepancies in meaning

3) Ramadan

4) commanded him to read, when he wouldn’t, he was taught to memorize the Quran


1) – testimony of faith

- prayer

- almsgiving

- fasting

- pilgrimage

2) they allow Muslims to put their faith into action

3) there is no way to pretend or act like you’ve done the actions if you haven’t done them

4) Catholics fast and give alms during Lent


1) the month when the Quran was given to Muhammad

2) no eating or drinking during daylight, no smoking or sexual activities

3) lying, slander, denouncing someone, a false oath, greed

4) when the Night of Power is celebrated

5) it is celebrated with the Feast of Fast Breaking

6) month the Quran was revealed, Heaven is open, Hell is closed

7) everyone is focused on a common goal and doing the same thing


1) Islam is over 1400 years old.

2) Jesus, Moses, and Abraham are prophets.

3) Patterns are common in art.

4) People are not included in religious art.

5) Women must cover their hair from men who they could potentially marry.

6) Muslims believe that abortion is wrong.

7) Capital punishment is acceptable when a serious crime is committed.

8) Jihad is an internal struggle to live one’s faith properly,

9) Animals must be treated with compassion and kindness.

10) War is permitted as self defense.

Sunday, March 17, 2013

Ancient Religions of the West

1.Zoroastrianism is one of the oldest living religions in the world and it began to flourish in ancient Iran, which was known as Persia. Zoroastrianism began in the fifth or fourth century due to the influence of the Persian Empire.
2.Zoroastrianism spread beyond the Persian Empire thanks to them being conquered by Alexander the Great and caused all aspects of Persian culture to spread.
3.An angel called Good Thought brought him as a disembodied soul before Ahura Mazda, the wise lord. Zarathustra recognized Ahura Mazda as the one true God. He went around preaching the radical message of monotheism to his polytheistic society.
4.The sacred text of Zoroastrianism is called the Avesta. The oldest part of this text is the Gathas which are seventeen hymns written by Zarathustra.   
5.Ahura Mazda is eternal and universal goodness, controlling the cosmos and the destiny of humans. Ahura is the creator of everything.
6.Ethical Dualism is the belief in universal forces of good and evil.
7.The lie is an evil cosmic force that opposes Ahura who is good.
8.Humans must choose between the truth (good) and the lie (evil).
9.Zarathustra doctrine on human destiny discusses resurrection and judgment of the dead and that a human either goes to heaven or hell depending on the choices they made.
10.The general ethical demands of traditional Zoroastrian life are caring for livestock and fields.
11.The Parsis are the followers of Zoroastrianism and the majority of them live in India today.
12.The Iliad and the Odyssey are commonly regarded as being the Bible for ancient Greeks.
13.The sentence saying the gods of Olympus are anthropomorphic means they had human attributes such as talents and limitations.
14.Aeshylus’ main contribution to the understanding of the gods was that he introduced the concept of divine justice. An example would be in the play Agamemnon he writes that suffering is a necessary part of the divine plan of Zeus.
15.An oracle is a sanctuary at which revelations of a god are received. The most famous oracle in ancient Greece is Delphi and she was consulted because Greeks sought the wisdom of Apollo through her.
16.The three basic aspects of the mystery religions are that individuals went through an initiation ceremony, the initiates experienced an encounter with a deity, and the initiates gained a spiritual renewal, which will help them in the afterlife.
17.The mystery religion that honored Demeter and Persephone was Eleusinian religion.
18.Dionysus is mainly associated as the god of fertility and is usually depicted with wine and grapes.
19.The goal of the ascetic practices of the Orphics was to lead a pure life.
20.Plato’s theory of knowledge is that we know things in this life specifically because we have experienced them in our past life.
21.Platonic dualism says that the truth of the world is independent from any bodily or material ideas in reality. Truth lies within oneself that can only be found through wisdom.
22.Jesus seemed to have much in common with ancient Asclepius because they were both revered as saviors who had a strong relationship with their followers.
23.The Numina were supernatural beings that were in charge of specific functions such as populating towns. They were able to inhabit streams, fields, and doorways.
24.The most powerful Roman deity was Jupiter.
25.The six planets of our solar system that are named after Roman deities are Neptune, Mercury, Jupiter, Saturn, Venus, and Mars.
26.The Roman state considered it essential to maintain official worshiping practices so that ways they would never anger the gods and they would always be at peace.
27.The mystery religions that were the main rivals of Christianity in the later Roman Empire were Mithraism and the Cult of Iris.
28.Osiris was killed and hacked to pieces by his evil brother. His wife Iris found the pieces and mummified them, causing him to come back to life.
29.Augustus told his worshipers to worship the Roman state and his guardian spirit.
30.Christian and Roman rulers argued over emperor worship because Romans believed the main focus of worship should be the state while Catholics believed it should be God and the Romans views contradicted their religion.


  1. The three functions of a synagogue are to sever as a house of assembly, a house of study, and a house of prayer.
  2. A synagogue is a place of worship for Jews and it has items in very specific locations. In every synagogue there are three things in it that are in all synagogue's and that is the holy ark, the ten commandments and the Torah Scrolls.  On the eastern wall there is the holy ark which contains the Torah scrolls. The ark is usually located in the front of the room on a stage. The ark is highly decorated and people use it to focus on there prayers. The Torah scrolls are covered by a cloth. The Torah is usually decorated with such objects like a crown or a breastplate. The ten commandments in synagogues are written in Hebrew and are usually located on the wall. 
  3. A rabbi is a man who is appointed to teach and preach to the jewish community. To become a rabbi a person has to be Jewish, a scholar of Jewish law, fluent in Hebrew, and hired by other rabbi's to lead a congregation. A rabbi is different from a clergyman because the rabbi has not authority from god like a clergyman (priest). A rabbi is just a leader of a community who has extensive knowledge on Jewish law.
  4. Shabbat is a day of rest in which a jew uses to enrich their spirit. This is observed everyday for three times a day. 
  5. Torah has five books. They are

  6. Yiddish is the language of modern Jewish culture. It is mainly spoken by people who live in the West. 
  7. Mazal Tov: Congratulations. Shalom: Hello/Peace/Goodbye. Mitzvah: A commandment.
  8. Brit Milah is the ceremony of circumcision. On the eighth day of a babies life he is circumcised just as Abraham was told to do with his son. A Bar Mitzvah is when a boy reaches the age of 13 he assumes the full responsibility of observing the commandments.
    1. Rosh Hashanah known as the Jewish New Year. Yom Kippur is the most important in Jewish holidays and on this day Jew's reflect and atone for the sins they have committed throughout the year. Hanukkah is the equivalent of Christmas in Christianity however Jews light candles signifying a story in Jewish scriptures. The Passover is a holiday observed in response to the Exodus and the Jews being free from slavery.
    2. One thing i had confirmed about Jewish tradition that I knew was that Bar Mitzvah's occur when a boy has turned 13.
    3. The most interesting thing I found out is that Hanukkah is not that important in Jewish Tradition because it is one of the main holidays everyone knows about.
    4. One aspect of Judaism that is similar to my life is mariage. 
    5. One aspect of Judaism that is different from my life is Shabbat in which Jews take time to pray three times a day.

    Friday, February 1, 2013

    Buddhism Questions

    1.Siddhartha Gautama
    2.The first sight was a decrepit old man and the significance is that Siddhartha saw this fate was in store for everyone including himself. The second sight was a diseased man and Siddhartha thought people could not enjoy life when disease threatened them. The third sight was a corpse and he thought what the point of living is when everyone has to die. The fourth sight was a homeless ascetic religious man and Siddhartha thought that there is a way to salvation.
    3.A basic Buddhist teaching that rejects both the pleasures of sensual indulgence and the self-denial of asceticism, focusing instead on a practical approach to spiritual attainment.
    4.Siddhartha was sitting under a fig tree by a fig tree and he said he would not leave until he was enlightened. The god of death Mara did everything he could to try and stop him by frightening and tempting him from his spot. However Gautama defeated Mara and became enlightened.
    5.The Sangha is the Buddhist community of monks and nuns.
    6.The Three Jewels in Buddhist teachings are the Buddha, Dharma, and the Sangha.
    7.Buddhism and Hinduism both regard time as cyclical and the universe is eternal. They believe that Gods and goddesses inhabit various heavens, and demons inhabit various hells.  Also they believe in samsara and liberation from life. In Hinduism it is called moksha and in Buddhism it is called nirvana.
    8.He was discontented with many of the religious features of his day, especially speculative philosophy and the sacrificial rituals of the Brahmin class. Buddha did not believe that philosophical speculation regarding the nature of the world, human self, and divine were important for salvation.
    9.The first mark of existence is Anatta which means no self within reality. Annicca means impermanence because existence is constantly changing. This is closely related to Anatta because existence is always changing so there is never any self in the world. Dukkha means suffering and this is a natural result of Anatta and Annicca.
    10.The doctrine of anatta states that there is no self in reality because we are not attached to this world. This related to the Hindu Atman because like atman there is not specific soul because life is always changing when we are reborn.
    11.A bundle of energy or the eternal self is reborn. Karma in terms of samsara is the nautre of one’s rebirth which depends on the status of one’s karma.
    12.The five precepts of Buddhism are do not take life, take what is not given, engage in sensuous misconduct, use false speech, or drink intoxicants. The five precepts for monks and nuns are do not eat after noon, watch dancing or shows, use garlands, perfumes, or ornaments, use a high or soft bed, and accept gold or silver.
    13.Some possible translations to the word dukkha are suffering, frustration, dislocation, and discomfort. The meaning of this word is when something is not as it should be and you know it needs to be fixed. For example if you see a crooked picture frame you know that it is not where it should be and that it should be straight.
    14.Tanha is desire and it is related to dukkha because suffering is caused by desire which is one of the four noble truths.
    15.To follow the eightfold path one must have the right views, the right intentions, the right speech, the right conduct, the right livelihood, the right effort, the right mindfulness, and the right meditation.
    16.The different between the Buddha and the other humans who attain enlightenment is that a Buddha did not need to follow teachings or a model to be awakened because Buddha’s are able to accomplish enlightenment on their own.
    17.An arhat is a person who has reached enlightenment but do not go into nirvana.
    18.The literal meaning for the word nirvana is blowing out. This helps explain the concept of nirvana because a person who has reach nirvana has lost all of its desire and suffering because it has essentially been blown out.
    19.The three divisions of Buddhism are Theravada, Mahayana, and Vajrayana.
    20.The main focus of Theravada Buddhism is the teachings of the Buddhism.
    21.The literal meaning for the word Mahayana is way of the elders because it follows the original teachings of Buddhism strictly.
    22.The Vajrayana fights fire with fire because it harnesses the energy of desire and uses it for good.
    23.The Dalai Lama is the leader of Vajrayana Buddhism. The Dalai Lama is chosen by the successors of him and they use various spiritual and supernatural rituals to find the next Lama. For example if the successors find a suspected baby of being the Lama they would see if it would attract to something once owned by him.
    24.The primary geographic region for Theravada Buddhism is in Cambodia, Burma, Sri Lanka, and Thailand. The primary geographic region for Mahayana Buddhism is in China, Japan and Korea. The primary geographic region for Vajrayana Buddhism is in Tibet.

    Wednesday, January 30, 2013

    Hinduism Review

    1.Moksha is a release from the confines of the reality and an entrance into the realm of the divine.

    2.The doctrine that says all reality is ultimately one is called Monism. An analogy would be all rivers, lakes, and streams all flow into one ocean. Rivers, ponds, lakes and oceans appear to be quite distinctive, yet the share a common essence; they are all made up of water.

    3.Brahman is a belief in which all things that make up the invisible and visible reality have something in common and are connected to the universe. Atman is the ultimate reality within the self. These two are related because the universe is connected with the eternal self and the eternal self is connected to the universe. These two terms are the same.

    4. The General Function of Hinduism’s many deities is to serve as a connection between reality and the divine reality sense it is beyond the reach of mere humans.

    5. The Doctrine of Samsara states that an individual is reincarnated from one life form to another until the individual can reach Moksha.

    6.The name of Hinduism's most popular sacred text is the Bhagavad-Gita.

    7.In Hinduism the two principles that connect the divine world to this world are karma and dharma. Karma is a moral law that states every action produces response which justifies the action committed. Dharma is a set of moral rules of life which must be achieved to reach Moksha.

    8.The four caste systems are the Brahmin which are the priest, the Kshatriya which are warriors and administrators, the Vaishya which are the farmers, merchants, and artisans, and the Shurdra which are servants and laborers.

    9.Krishna encourages Arjuna to engage in war because it is Arjuna’s sacred duty to engage in war. Arjuna was born to battle as a warrior because it is a part of her dharma.

    10.The first stage is that of a student in which one does intensive study if the Vedas and other sacred literature. This stage last until marriage. The second stage is Householder and in this stage a person pursues a career and raises a family. The third stage is the forest dweller (The stage ensues after the birth of a grandchild) and in this stage a man takes retreat to fully engage in a spiritual quest. The fourth stage is sannyasin and in this stage the forest dweller is ready to come back to society however he is completely detached from the material things this world ensues.

    11.The first goal of life is sensual pleasure (Karma) and this is a legitimate aim to pursuit pleasures in one’s life. The second goal is Artha and this is an attempt to reach material success, social power and prestige that accompanies it. The third goal is Dharma and this is when a person tries to achieve living a moral and ethical life. The fourth goal is Moksha and in this the goal is to achieve the infinite being, awareness and bliss of liberation.

    12.The three paths to liberation are the path of works, the path of knowledge and the path of devotion. People who are engaged into day-to-day task of earning a living and raising a family prefer the path of the works. People who have a talent for philosophical reflection and reasoning should follow the path of knowledge. People who get emotionally attached easily are best perceived to follow the path of devotion.

    13.The three most important schools in Hinduism philosophy are Vendanta, Sankhya and Yoga. The basic task that concerns all three is that the attainment of knowledge is needed to rid oneself of the ignorance that binds the self to Samsara.

    14.Three important gods and goddesses are Vishnu who is the preserver of the world, Shiva who is the god known for destruction, and Kali who is known for being a violent destroyer to her enemies.

    15.Avatars are incarnations or living embodiment of a deity. Two important Hindi avatars are Kirshnu and Rama.

    16.The text that is most closely associated with Bhakti Marga is the Bhagavad-Gita.

    17.The three aspects of Hindu devotional life are household and village rituals, pilgrimage to holy places and veneration of cows.

    18.Mahatma Gandhi influenced Hinduism by stating that all wisdom lights the way to the divine.

    19.The significant changes that took place in the caste system in the 20th century were the Indian government forbade the discrimination of any outcast and the government also instituted affirmative action plans that promote economic and social rights of the outcasts.

    20.A sati is the suicidal burning of a widow because her death is seen as a sign of virtue for her love of her husband. Since 1829 sati has been forbidden however it still rarely occurs in some places in India.

    21.The significant development that occurred between Hindus and Muslims in 1947 was that the Muslim community created the country of Pakistan during the partition of India so that way Muslims could have a homeland in which they could live in without the fear of being discriminated against by the Hindus. This caused a bloody civil war and many followers of both religions were killed because most were forced to move out of their homes.