1. Axis Mundi- turning point of the world : line through the earth's center around which the universe revolves
2. Taboo- A custom prohibiting or restricting a particular practice or forbidding association with a particular person, place, or thing.
3. Totem- A natural object or animal believed by a particular society to have spiritual significance and adopted by it as an emblem.
4. Trickster- a cunning or deceptive character appearing in various forms in the folklore of many cultures.
5. Vision Quest- an ongoing search for the meaning and purpose of life.
6. Divination- the act of obtaining secret knowledge, especially that which relates to the future, by means within the reach almost exclusively of special classes of men.
7. Pantheism- A doctrine that identifies God with the universe, or regards the universe as a manifestation of God.
8. Polytheism- the belief or worship in more than one god
9. Monotheism- The belief in only one God
10. Transcendence- extending or lying beyond the limits of ordinary experience
11. Empathy- most often defined by the metaphors of 'standing in someone else's shoes' or 'seeing through someone else's eyes'.
12. What does Revelation have to do with religion?
"usually used to indicate the supernatural origin of a set of beliefs or sacred texts.(Victor Gunasekara)"
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