Thursday, November 22, 2012


The gifts of the Holy Spirit are working in my life by challenging me and developing me as a better person mentally and physically.  The Gifts of the Holy Spirit have shaped my mind to think prosperous thoughts.  To think like a champion and to become one.  I used to always have childish thoughts and not think outside the box.  Now I have become a smarter intellectual and have a better understanding of life.  The Gifts of the Holy Spirit have shaped me physically because I can control my actions.  When I was younger, I would always get into fights, but now I am able to suppress my anger in a healthy way and let it out when I am involved in extra-curricular activities.  When eight graders enter into high school as freshman, they tend to subdue to the profane language instead of the vocabulary of the dictionary that we learn from.  I once had an problem with that.  Now I know that it is not cool and my verbal tone has decreased in a positive way.  I do not use profanity at all because it is also a healthy thing to do.  I feel as if the Gifts of the Holy Spirit have matured me in a way so that I can exhibit proper mannerisms wherever my path may lead me.  

The Gift of the Holy Spirit I believe that I need most in my life is Wisdom.  I need a guideline of what I should do to continue a life of prosperity.  Words of wisdom and encouragement always help me to enlighten my moments of success.  When I need to get something done, and get it done right, I look to people who seem very intelligent to give me guidance to do what is right or what they think I should do to get the job done.  

Friday, November 9, 2012

Are sacraments narrow?

1. Ludwig does not understand why people say grace is imparted through sacraments.  He does not understand that grace is received through doing tasks.

2.  They are not thinking about the people that could be excluded from the redemption of Christ.

3.  The Church is thinking about the qualities that God has to be universal and be omnipotent and omnipresent, to be able to identify us all separately.

4.  God reveals and gives us universally offered grace when the Word became flesh and he dwelt among us.

5.   The Christian doctrine that is the foundation for the Sacraments is the Catechism.

6.  The gobs of modern spirituality tells us that for such spirituality, it often speaks as though God is a sort of extended ether in the cosmos and that He would never sully Himself with the crudeness of matter.  God is a spirit that is omnipresent but He would not ever belittle Himself by becoming a human being and reducing His reputation to becoming a sinner.

7.  The Christian gospel repudiates such spiritual snobbery witht the surprising, yet homely, announcement that, surprisingly enough, God likes matter a lot.  He declared matter good in  the creation, but He also consistently made Himself through perfection until He, the Word became flesh. 

8.  He was already spiritually pure and he also was already physically pure.  It was also so he could raise from the dead physically with his perfections.


10.  G.K. Chesterson is saying how God is omnipresent physically and spiritually.  God is in the form of a spirit while he is in a physical body.

11.   Grace sanctifies us, it enlightens our minds, and it strengthens our will to do better accordingly to the will of God. 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Does talking distract learning?

Talking distracts learning because when you are in a classroom for a long time just sitting trying to stay awake, you can get distracted because after a while, anything can move your attention somewhere else.  Those distractions cause a loss in time because the teacher of the class has to stop what he or she is attempting to teach because he or she wants total attention on them.  Once the distraction occurs, the students may lose track of the lesson because they get sidetracked and forget what the teacher was talking about.  The persons who are causing the distraction get nothing out of the lesson because they are distracting themselves with a conversation that does not consist of anything that the teacher is talking about.  Talking does distract learning because it draws attention away from what the students should be learning.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Man without a face...

Despite the fear and doubt that is raised in Norstadt by the rumors, he has hope.  He trusts and has faith in McLeod because he wants to learn.  Norstadt feels as though as if McLeod teaching him will be the only way he can become as smart as his sisters.  Norstadt is not very intelligent compared to his younger sister which bothers him and he wants some freedom of choice to be educated his own way.  Everyone has their own mind.  Rumors may question your mentality, but they should not make up your mind.  Your heart decides whether or not someone is trustworthy.  When Norstadt is with his friends and they began to talk about McLeod negatively, Norstadt did not know what to say and he would sit there with the dull look in his eyes.  I believe that the dull facial expressions he had were battles between his heart and mind.  He would want to believe that McLeod was bad and he should not learn from him, but his heart would want to put his trust in McLeod that nothing bad would happen to him either.  Norstadt is eager to learn and he just desires to be as intelligent as his peers, so that adrenaline of understanding and comprehending his educational studies shows the tenacious mentality he has to accomplish his endeavors.  McLeod does not want Norstadt to believe what other people say because everything people says is not true.  But he questions Norstadt because if he believed what people said, then McLeod would know whether or not Norstadt was actually interested in education.