Friday, November 9, 2012

Are sacraments narrow?

1. Ludwig does not understand why people say grace is imparted through sacraments.  He does not understand that grace is received through doing tasks.

2.  They are not thinking about the people that could be excluded from the redemption of Christ.

3.  The Church is thinking about the qualities that God has to be universal and be omnipotent and omnipresent, to be able to identify us all separately.

4.  God reveals and gives us universally offered grace when the Word became flesh and he dwelt among us.

5.   The Christian doctrine that is the foundation for the Sacraments is the Catechism.

6.  The gobs of modern spirituality tells us that for such spirituality, it often speaks as though God is a sort of extended ether in the cosmos and that He would never sully Himself with the crudeness of matter.  God is a spirit that is omnipresent but He would not ever belittle Himself by becoming a human being and reducing His reputation to becoming a sinner.

7.  The Christian gospel repudiates such spiritual snobbery witht the surprising, yet homely, announcement that, surprisingly enough, God likes matter a lot.  He declared matter good in  the creation, but He also consistently made Himself through perfection until He, the Word became flesh. 

8.  He was already spiritually pure and he also was already physically pure.  It was also so he could raise from the dead physically with his perfections.


10.  G.K. Chesterson is saying how God is omnipresent physically and spiritually.  God is in the form of a spirit while he is in a physical body.

11.   Grace sanctifies us, it enlightens our minds, and it strengthens our will to do better accordingly to the will of God. 

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