Tuesday, September 25, 2012

Why Do I Smile?

The definition of happiness is not very clear because different things makes different people happy.  Happiness comes from the human characteristic of emotion.  Emotions relate to the current mood someone is in.  When you are upset, you may frown and when you are excited you smile.  It has been proven that smiling and laughing is healthy for your body.  There are many people that use smiles to hide their real feelings and that is extremely unhealthy.  I love smiling and joking around.  When it comes to doing my work, I definitely get serious, but I do it and have fun at the same time.   My happiness feeds off the happiness of others.  When I see someone smile it is natural for me to smile right back.  My happiness consist of the love and support others give me.  I feel that I am loved when I am sick or hurt, people make sure that I am ok.  The feeling of being loved makes me smile and when I smile, I am happy.  Being involved in sports and other recreational activities makes me happy.  I get to enjoy participating in an event that boosts my pride.  I am well aware that I am always more likely to have an optimistic attitude rather than a pessimistic one because my pride that I have for track and field is what keeps me going and keeps me smiling.  Everyday when I wake up I am very grateful that I was able to see another day.  Waking up is a privilege because not everyone is able to wake up and see another day.  Not everyone makes it back home alive because of natural calamities and disasters such as hurricanes, tornados, car accidents, suicide and homicide.  There is always a time when you have to go and you can never predict when that time is.  You have to live in the moment and be cautious of what you do so you do not get into any ridiculous trouble that is avoidable.  Knowing that God allowed me to see another day keeps my attitude positive all day even if someone does something to make me upset.  I may be upset for those few seconds, but soon after, I am smiling and happy again.  Life is too short to be upset all day, whining and complaining.  Accomplishment is the best feeling ever.  When a rigorous obstacle is standing in your way and the only way around it is to take it head on, overcoming and defeating it is the best.  It is like winning a race in track.  I go in, unknown to the other racers, then winning that event puts tears of joy on my face.  I am not a crier.  The only time that I have ever cried was when I was a baby.  I have been to three funerals and they were my grandfathers and great grandparents.  I did not cry because I was happy for the life that they were able to share with me.  They are gone and tears and being upset will not bring them back.  I smile at the appropriate times because tears and sadness are pointless.  There is no reason to be upset when you are given life and chances to do something with your life.  I do not remember who said this to me but they said, "Smile and never worry." I took that to heart and I will never forget about it.

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