Thursday, December 13, 2012

Sacramental Vocabulary

Introductory Unit
1. Heart- The center of the person's emotions
2. X and Arrows-The arrows are a representation of mankind's desire to reach God -The X represents the infinite God that mankind wants to reach -The line underlying that, represents infinite time
3. Desire-The aspirations the human heart wants and these are infinite 
4. Reality-The being of existence
5. 4 Truths of the “I”- I did not make myself, I have unlimited desires, My abilities are limited and I expect to be happy  
6. Ontology-The study of the nature of being
7. Being-The reason for existence
Anointing of the Sick
1. Suffering- Experience or be subjected to something bad or unpleasant
2. Sickness in the Old Testament- Perceived as weakness and filled with sin
3. Job-Known by his great deal of suffering
4. Original Sin- The sin we are all born with dated back to Adam and Eve
5. Presbyters- Are elders of the Christian church
6. Priest or bishops administer the sacraments
7. Anyone can receive the sacrament, as long as they truly believe in the faith
8. Celebration of the Sacrament: laying on of hands, prayer of faith, and anointing with oil
9. Viaticum: Eucharist given to a person in danger of death
10. Apocalyptic: stating the eradication of the world
11. Apostolate: an apostles mission
1. Penance- repentance of sins
2. Confession- admission of sin
3. Forgiveness- remission of sin
4. Conversion- the change in beliefs
5. Empathy- understanding another person's feelings and condole with them
6. Ten Commandments: 1. Thou shalt not have any other gods before me. 2. Thou shalt not take the Lord your God's name in vain. 3. Remember to keep the Sabbath Day Holy. 4. Honor your father and mother. 5. Thou shalt not kill. 6. Thou shalt not commit adultery. 7. Thou shalt not steal. 8. Thou shalt not bear false witness against your neighbor. 9. Thou shalt not covet your neighbor’s wife. 10. Thou shalt not thy neighbor's house.
7. Four Dimensions of the Sacrament- confession, contrition, penance, absolution
8. Examination of Conscience: helps us to remember and acknowledge our  sins and failings before going to Confession
9. Contrition- an emotional feeling of sorrow for wrong doing
10. Confession of Sin- confession of the sin to someone else, then prayer for that person who committed the sin for that person to be healed
11. Absolution- remission of sins by a priest
12. Sin- offense against religious or moral law
13. Mortal Sin- sin that is committed that is seriously restricted by the morals of the Church, that the sin can not receive absolution by sanctifying grace
14. Venial Sin- sin that is relatively slight or that is committed without full reflection or consent and does not deprive the soul of sanctifying grace
15. Original Sin- The sin we are all born with dated back to Adam and Eve
16. Personal Sin- Self committed sins that does not involve any outside influences 
17. Sacramental Seal- the priest is forbidden to share with anyone what a person confessed
18. Restitution- the act of being restored
19. Concupiscence- strong sexual desires
20. Fornication- relations between an unmarried man and woman
21. Excommunication- expulsion from a group
22. Heresy- contradictory teachings of the Church
23. Priests or bishops administer the sacraments
24. Concupiscence- a tendency toward sin
25. Venial Sin-When we do not follow God’s plan in some small way. Venial sins hurt our friendship with God.
1. Abortion- the killing of a pregnancy; this is looked down on by the Church
2. Contraception-the methods used to prevent pregnancy for sexual intercourse
3. Sterilization-the act of forcing infertilization
4. Nuptial Blessing: blessings for the newly wed
5. Fidelity-faithful
6. Divorce-the end of a marriage
7. Polygamy- type of marriage where the spouses can have more than one partner
8. Adultery-break of fidelity to the marriage resulting in the husband/wife having intercourse with someone outside of the marriage
9. Annulment- the ending of a marriage through religion
10. Intimacy-closeness
11. Exchange of Vows-The most important part of a Catholic wedding is what is commonly known as the exchange of vows. These words are the heart—the essential element—of the sacrament of marriage; they form the covenant that establish the couple’s marriage. The Church calls the exchange of vows consent—that is, the act of will by which a man and a woman give themselves to each other, and accept the gift of the other. The marriage can’t happen without the declaration of consent 
12. Grace- a gift of God's mercy and forgiveness
13. Creation-the process of existence
Holy Orders1. Diocese- an area of a group of churches that a bishop oversees
2. Vicar- representative of any ecclesiastic entity
3. Episcopal College- A church that practices or advocates the principle of the Church being government by bishops.
4. Synod of Bishops-A council or an assembly of church officials or churches; an ecclesiastical council
5. Ecumenical Council-an assembly of bishops and other ecclesiastics representative of the Christian Church throughout the world. Roman Catholic canon law states that an ecumenical council must be convened by the pope
6. Infallibility-the inability to be wrong
7. Imprimatur-An official license by the Roman Catholic Church to print an ecclesiastical or religious book.
Baptism1. Definition-forgives all personal sin, takes away original sin, infuses sanctifying grace, and is necessary for salvation
2. The proper matter used for baptism is water
3. Correct Words/Form- "In the name of the Father, Son, Holy Spirit"
4. Designated Minister- bishop, priest, deacon
5. Sign of the Cross-a reminder of the love of Christ who gave his life for his friends. The tracing of a cross on the forehead of the person being baptized is an invisible 'branding' that says 'you belong to Christ'. 
6. White Garment-worn in baptism indicating new life
7. Baptismal Candle-As a sign of the new life a Baptismal candle will be lit using the flame from the Easter Candle which symbolises the light of Christ - the Light of the World. This is the light that darkness cannot overcome. Light warms and encourages, it gives safety and illuminates the way ahead. It can burn and test substances. The baptised child, who has opened her eyes to the light of creation, is now awakened by the flame of faith. She is called to see all things through the eyes of Jesus Christ.
8. Oils of Baptism-It is a sign of sealing with the gifts of the Holy Spirit
9. Water-the proper matter used to cleanse the person and wash away their past sin to cleanse their new spiritual body
10. Concupiscence-tendency toward sin
1. Definition-imprints in the soul a character, a certain spiritual and indelible Sign, and so can only be received validly once. Confirmed persons are called to profess faith in Christ publicly, and to spread the Gospel message, in accord with the ability and circumstances of their life.  
2. Proper Matter-the chrism oil
3. Correct Words/Form-"I sign thee with the sign of the cross and confirm thee with the chrism of salvation, in the name of the Father and of the Son and of the Holy Ghost."
4. Designated Minister-the bishop
5. Seal-when a bishop anoints a person with chrism and says, "[Name], be sealed with the Gift of the Holy Spirit." 
6. Holy Spirit-the third being of the Trinity that is the spiritual being of the world
7. Fruits of the Spirit- love, joy, peace, patience, kindness, goodness, faithfulness, gentleness, and self-control
8. Gifts of the Spirit: wisdom, understanding, counsel, fortitude, knowledge, piety, and fear of the Lord
9. Requirements for Reception-In order to ensure the valid reception of the Sacrament of Confirmation, we are responsible to investigate and help individuals resolve any possible situations that would cause them to be ineligible.  Therefore, the following requirements are in place to safeguard the sacrament, and to provide guidance to individuals who need further assistance with preparing for Confirmation
Eucharist1. Definition-The name given to the Blessed Sacrament of the Altar in its twofold aspect of sacrament and Sacrifice of Mass, and in which Jesus Christ is truly present under the bread and wine.
2. Transcendence-an experience where our hearts, minds and souls are lifted up away from ourselves, and for a moment, often only a very short moment, we experience the presence of God in a deep and profound way. 
3. Eucharist is a memorial- reminder of the Last Supper Jesus had with His apostles
4. Consecration- when the bread and wine become sacred
5. Transubstantiation-where the bread and wine are no longer bread and wine but the Body and Blood of Christ
6. Tabernacle- the holy box that the consecrated Eucharist is stored in
7. Other Names for the Eucharist: Lord’s Supper, Breaking of the Bread, Eucharistic Assembly, Memorial, Holy Mass, Holy and Divine Liturgy, and Holy Communion
8. Proper Matter-bread and wine
9. Correct Words/Form- "Take it," he said "this is my body." Then he took a cup, and when he had returned thanks he gave it to them, and all drank from it, and he said to them, "This is my blood, the blood of the covenant, which is to be poured out for many."
10. Designated Minister-bishops, priests, deacons
11. Corpus Christi- Latin term meaning, “Body of Christ”

Thursday, November 22, 2012


The gifts of the Holy Spirit are working in my life by challenging me and developing me as a better person mentally and physically.  The Gifts of the Holy Spirit have shaped my mind to think prosperous thoughts.  To think like a champion and to become one.  I used to always have childish thoughts and not think outside the box.  Now I have become a smarter intellectual and have a better understanding of life.  The Gifts of the Holy Spirit have shaped me physically because I can control my actions.  When I was younger, I would always get into fights, but now I am able to suppress my anger in a healthy way and let it out when I am involved in extra-curricular activities.  When eight graders enter into high school as freshman, they tend to subdue to the profane language instead of the vocabulary of the dictionary that we learn from.  I once had an problem with that.  Now I know that it is not cool and my verbal tone has decreased in a positive way.  I do not use profanity at all because it is also a healthy thing to do.  I feel as if the Gifts of the Holy Spirit have matured me in a way so that I can exhibit proper mannerisms wherever my path may lead me.  

The Gift of the Holy Spirit I believe that I need most in my life is Wisdom.  I need a guideline of what I should do to continue a life of prosperity.  Words of wisdom and encouragement always help me to enlighten my moments of success.  When I need to get something done, and get it done right, I look to people who seem very intelligent to give me guidance to do what is right or what they think I should do to get the job done.  

Friday, November 9, 2012

Are sacraments narrow?

1. Ludwig does not understand why people say grace is imparted through sacraments.  He does not understand that grace is received through doing tasks.

2.  They are not thinking about the people that could be excluded from the redemption of Christ.

3.  The Church is thinking about the qualities that God has to be universal and be omnipotent and omnipresent, to be able to identify us all separately.

4.  God reveals and gives us universally offered grace when the Word became flesh and he dwelt among us.

5.   The Christian doctrine that is the foundation for the Sacraments is the Catechism.

6.  The gobs of modern spirituality tells us that for such spirituality, it often speaks as though God is a sort of extended ether in the cosmos and that He would never sully Himself with the crudeness of matter.  God is a spirit that is omnipresent but He would not ever belittle Himself by becoming a human being and reducing His reputation to becoming a sinner.

7.  The Christian gospel repudiates such spiritual snobbery witht the surprising, yet homely, announcement that, surprisingly enough, God likes matter a lot.  He declared matter good in  the creation, but He also consistently made Himself through perfection until He, the Word became flesh. 

8.  He was already spiritually pure and he also was already physically pure.  It was also so he could raise from the dead physically with his perfections.


10.  G.K. Chesterson is saying how God is omnipresent physically and spiritually.  God is in the form of a spirit while he is in a physical body.

11.   Grace sanctifies us, it enlightens our minds, and it strengthens our will to do better accordingly to the will of God. 

Sunday, November 4, 2012

Does talking distract learning?

Talking distracts learning because when you are in a classroom for a long time just sitting trying to stay awake, you can get distracted because after a while, anything can move your attention somewhere else.  Those distractions cause a loss in time because the teacher of the class has to stop what he or she is attempting to teach because he or she wants total attention on them.  Once the distraction occurs, the students may lose track of the lesson because they get sidetracked and forget what the teacher was talking about.  The persons who are causing the distraction get nothing out of the lesson because they are distracting themselves with a conversation that does not consist of anything that the teacher is talking about.  Talking does distract learning because it draws attention away from what the students should be learning.

Saturday, November 3, 2012

Man without a face...

Despite the fear and doubt that is raised in Norstadt by the rumors, he has hope.  He trusts and has faith in McLeod because he wants to learn.  Norstadt feels as though as if McLeod teaching him will be the only way he can become as smart as his sisters.  Norstadt is not very intelligent compared to his younger sister which bothers him and he wants some freedom of choice to be educated his own way.  Everyone has their own mind.  Rumors may question your mentality, but they should not make up your mind.  Your heart decides whether or not someone is trustworthy.  When Norstadt is with his friends and they began to talk about McLeod negatively, Norstadt did not know what to say and he would sit there with the dull look in his eyes.  I believe that the dull facial expressions he had were battles between his heart and mind.  He would want to believe that McLeod was bad and he should not learn from him, but his heart would want to put his trust in McLeod that nothing bad would happen to him either.  Norstadt is eager to learn and he just desires to be as intelligent as his peers, so that adrenaline of understanding and comprehending his educational studies shows the tenacious mentality he has to accomplish his endeavors.  McLeod does not want Norstadt to believe what other people say because everything people says is not true.  But he questions Norstadt because if he believed what people said, then McLeod would know whether or not Norstadt was actually interested in education. 

Tuesday, October 2, 2012

Knowing something...

Knowledge is a series of complexities involving experiences of understandment for something unknown.  You can only gain knowledge of something once it is taught to you and you understand the situation completely.  You can not obtain complete knowledge of something until you fully understand the answer.  To know something is to understand its goal or purpose.  Everything has a reason for existence, but you can not know why it exists, until you understand the answer and why it exists.

Monday, October 1, 2012


1.The narrator did not like the fact that another man was visiting his wife. He was very rude to Robert and seemed to be jealous of the relationship they had. The narrator's actions show that he is insecure about the relationship he has with his wife and is jealous about how much Robert knows about her.

2. The experience the narrator's wife had with Robert touching her face can be seen as an experience of him seeing her. Even though he is blind, he can use his hands and his mind to grasp a visual picture of what she probably looks like mentally.

3. To recieve another's friend means to respect and be curteous to that friend because you care and respect your friend and their company.  Accept others even though you may not know them and treat others how you want to be treated.

4. I believe Robert "saw" Beaulah better than anyone with eyes could. Robert didnt let his visual disability get in the way of getting to know someone. He used some of his other senses to "see" how beautiful Beaulah was. He used his ears to hear her voice and the sincerity of her words and saw her beauty through her personality and her love towards him.

5. The narrator and Robert smoked to release the social tension and to reach a higher, less conscious state of mind. This habit shows that the both of them have a desire to run away from reality sometimes and to live in a brief moment freedom from their worries.

6. Churches reveal how they feel about God and how important He is to them. A church is the best way to show how much you value and care about your fairh. You can tell how important a church is to a culture by its design, decorations, height, and quality.

7. The narrator finds difficulty in describing the cathedral because he doesnt see anything special about it.

When he finished drawing the cathedral with his eyes closed, the experience of him drawing the building and not seeing it made him feel as though he was in a different world. Even though he knew he was in his house, he felt like he wasnt and was free in his imagination. This experience opened his eyes to see what Robert sees all the time which brought an understanding and respect between them. 

Sunday, September 30, 2012


1. Camus demonstrates Caligula's heart by showing that his desires are unlimited but his abilities are.  He wants something that is unobtainable.  Helicon said, "You're looking tired." Caligula responded, "I've walked a lot." Yes, you've been away for a while.," Helicon said.  "It was hard to find.," Caligula said.  "What was hard to find.," Helicon said.  Caligula said, "What I was after."  Helicon said, "Meaning?" Caligula lastly inferred, "The moon."  Caligula wants the moon which is impossible to have.

2. The patricians do not understand what Caligula actually desires to have.  The patricians believe it is something simple as a woman to love, but Caligula wants something more.  "'s one of the things I haven't got."  Caligula's heart craves for entities with a deep meaning.

I agree with the patricians because they know that Caligula seems delusional to the fact that he desires something that is impossible to have.  "I see. And now--have you fixed it up to your satisfaction?," Helicon said.  " No. I couldn't get it.," Caligula stated.  Finally Helicon said, "Too bad!"  I believe that there is someone Caligula wants to have as his own, but he can not have it and now he is created masks to cover up what he truly want, what he knows he loves.

Tuesday, September 25, 2012


In my experience, I have pondered on many different aspects in my life that were not totally clear to me.  I am not all knowing and therefore, there will always be some things that I question, or have questions about.  Technology is increasing and advancing everyday.  Thanks to today's technology, we have the ability to complete task quicker than we would have been capable of doing 1000 years ago.  In the past, everything was done by manual skill and labor.  As a young child, around the age of six, you are curious of many things.  At six, I would want to know, "How does a phone work? How can you talk to someone wirelessly, hundreds of miles away from you?" The possibilities of the next technological advancement is unimaginable.  The next iPhone could somehow drive you to school and save you gas.  At least that is what I would have thought if I were still six years old.  Now, I would just wonder when the next game app there is to play like Temple Run.  As we get older, I think we lack in an imaginative world because we understand the world and how the world works.  Everything is about getting money and spending money.  You have to earn your next buck to pay off a bill that you wish you did not have to pay.  At six years old, you are a virgin to the world.  Unknown and clueless about the real world.  All you know is toys, games and nap time.  Wonder can solve answers for questions, right or wrong, it is still an answer that could be believed as true.  In my experience, I believe that this could be true because I used to think many things and wonder about aspects in my life that I did not know and when I received a valid answer, my point may have been proven true or false.  During that time, I may have thought the answer I had was true, so I would think of this world where only I was correct.  The world a child knows and the world I know are two different things.  For instance, the old cartoon show, Rugrats, the kids always went on adventures, but those adventures took place in their home.  Somehow, their mind would create a world with dragons, dangerous caves and unclimbable mountains that only they knew.  Wonder is a day dream.

The one moment of freedom

My teeth were as white as a beautiful cloud on a warm, sunny day.  It was my moment of exuberance and uniqueness.  No one could tell me nothing because I felt as if I were a higher power lounging in my throne with my staff in hand.  This was my moment of excitement.  I earned a 3.9 on my report card and I was enrolled in the National Honor Society.  The experience of freedom is a moment, a chance at life to be something no one thought you could be or complete a task the others deemed to be impossible.  Once you accomplish that, there is that time when you are beyond satisfied with yourself and all that you have achieved.

We are only HUMAN

The article by David Foster was very funny, interesting and there are some things that could be similar to most people that he wrote about.  Anyone could have read the article and some of the things that were said could relate to their lives.  It made sense with the fact given that under certain circumstances in certain situations, all we think about is ourselves and it is all about "me."   David Foster pretty much analyzed, practiced and revealed obvious actions of the human person that we do not notice often because we usually think about ourselves if we are not having such a good day or time.  Someone could be giving you a gift or would like to ask you to do something with them later, but you get rejected or denied because you mistreated them when they were attempting to show some compassion and help you through your time of need.  

No human being is perfect and therefore we will all have different actions and emotions and we show them or suppress them differently.  Your choices can reveal to the world who you really are and the paths you choose can predict your future.  Depending on how you are raised and the crowd that you choose to hang around could also determine how you engage in the world.  This is a credible idea because how you act shows who you are.  For example, convicts do what they do or did what they did because of some traumatic experience they had when they were younger, the people they used to stay around or they could just have an abnormal mental stability that does not seem appropriate for the "norm" of all human beings.  

I do not really think when engaging in the fundamental choices of life because I usually do them automatically.  I was raised a certain way and my lifestyle has been set to do certain things certain ways.  If there would be a change, I would not know how to handle the changes.  I would not know how to engage in the choice.

The audience was clapping because things like this happens all the time and it is funny because when you are in those certain situations, you do not realize what the situation could be rather good or worse.  We just do what we would want and not think about the other person.  I believe that this is an indication that we all do the same things, no matter how different we are.   I do not believe that rudeness and being self-centered will support, or even help current problems because it will just make your life worse and you would seem to be a bad person in the perspective of the other person's eyes.  All the anger that you set out on other people will come back to you with a vengeance and you will feel all that pain, suffering and sorrow the other people felt at once because you had to be a jerk when they were probably having a day ten times worse than yours.   

The object is...
  1. Color- Yellow
  2. Comfortable
  3. Expensive branded shoe
  4. you run in them
  5. inclement weather resistant (they keep your feet dry)
  6. spine shaped bottom
  7. look cool to wear 
  8. cost about $100

Is this a reasonable purchase?

This is a very nice shoe that I own.  I do not believe it is very reasonable for shoes to be this expensive when the developers of this product sell it for a ridiculously less amount.  People that slave in factories make about one penny of each shoe that is sold in America.  Clearly they are not making much money at all.  It is not fair that this happens but this is how the world works.  The price of this shoe seems like it does account for all of it's factors, it is just problematic because everyone does not have $100 to spend on each and every shoe.  The world works with money and progresses with money.  All SOME people care about is money because EVERYONE does not obtain a profitable income to sustain a successful household.

Why Do I Smile?

The definition of happiness is not very clear because different things makes different people happy.  Happiness comes from the human characteristic of emotion.  Emotions relate to the current mood someone is in.  When you are upset, you may frown and when you are excited you smile.  It has been proven that smiling and laughing is healthy for your body.  There are many people that use smiles to hide their real feelings and that is extremely unhealthy.  I love smiling and joking around.  When it comes to doing my work, I definitely get serious, but I do it and have fun at the same time.   My happiness feeds off the happiness of others.  When I see someone smile it is natural for me to smile right back.  My happiness consist of the love and support others give me.  I feel that I am loved when I am sick or hurt, people make sure that I am ok.  The feeling of being loved makes me smile and when I smile, I am happy.  Being involved in sports and other recreational activities makes me happy.  I get to enjoy participating in an event that boosts my pride.  I am well aware that I am always more likely to have an optimistic attitude rather than a pessimistic one because my pride that I have for track and field is what keeps me going and keeps me smiling.  Everyday when I wake up I am very grateful that I was able to see another day.  Waking up is a privilege because not everyone is able to wake up and see another day.  Not everyone makes it back home alive because of natural calamities and disasters such as hurricanes, tornados, car accidents, suicide and homicide.  There is always a time when you have to go and you can never predict when that time is.  You have to live in the moment and be cautious of what you do so you do not get into any ridiculous trouble that is avoidable.  Knowing that God allowed me to see another day keeps my attitude positive all day even if someone does something to make me upset.  I may be upset for those few seconds, but soon after, I am smiling and happy again.  Life is too short to be upset all day, whining and complaining.  Accomplishment is the best feeling ever.  When a rigorous obstacle is standing in your way and the only way around it is to take it head on, overcoming and defeating it is the best.  It is like winning a race in track.  I go in, unknown to the other racers, then winning that event puts tears of joy on my face.  I am not a crier.  The only time that I have ever cried was when I was a baby.  I have been to three funerals and they were my grandfathers and great grandparents.  I did not cry because I was happy for the life that they were able to share with me.  They are gone and tears and being upset will not bring them back.  I smile at the appropriate times because tears and sadness are pointless.  There is no reason to be upset when you are given life and chances to do something with your life.  I do not remember who said this to me but they said, "Smile and never worry." I took that to heart and I will never forget about it.

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Who knows you better than you?

A young sixteen year old male wanders the streets of Maryland.  Discovering who he is, is out of curiosity.  As he grows, develops and matures,  he discovers things that he likes and things that was unknown to him through dedication, hard work and continuing his education in his classes.  He is a current high school student in the class of 2013.  Everyday there is a new task, new journey to be ventured upon.  He takes his everyday life seriously and wants to accomplish his goals.  He loves working hard, keeps a determined mentality to complete a goal even in the toughest of times, and he always completes what he started.

This young man's pride and relationship with his family is what is most valuable to him.  Sometimes he pride makes the wrong decisions for him.  But, that is what being a human consist of.  Making mistakes is natural.  He is always involved in curricular activities with his school and playing on athletic teams.  He has played football, soccer, basketball and currently runs track.  Sports are his way through life.  If he can not be involved in a sport, he feels as if there is no need of life.  He loves being an athlete and his family is what keeps him going.  This young man thrives off the feedback his family gives him.  "Keep up the good work," says his dad.  "Leave everything out there on the track. Always do your best and forget the rest.  Do not wish you did something, do it then," both his brother and father said.  Whenever the young man is upset or frustrated, when it comes time to go out for practice, he always goes 100% because that pain, anger and frustration is relieved from him when he is shooting, catching, kicking or hurdling.  The books always comes before sports though.  The same support he gets for sports also corresponds to his grades.  If he does well in school, he does well on the track.  "If you do not learn, read, or study, you do not compete." His grandmother always says that phrase and he does not like it all the time.  So he stays on top of his work as much as possible.  He loves the challenge of his science and math classes.  He wants to be a computer engineer.  Taking the higher level of education are challenges he loves facing.  What is most valuable to this young man is just setting goals and achieving them.

There are different religions in the world and there believers of one religion and the others believe in something else or do not believe at all.  The tradition of being baptized and becoming a Baptist Christian has carried on for a while in the young man's family.  Reading the Bible and learning about God is the "normal" in this family.  Everyone in this family believes in God one way or another.  If you do not believe in Him, it will be forced in your mind that He is here and He exist.  If not, you just will not eat or live in a house for that matter.  This family believes that God is the Almighty and that everyone should be God fearing.  It is important because we know that God exist and that he can change all things in the blink of an eye and we will not know that anything happened.  Having a strong faith in God has bonded this family together and that is why they are close and have not separated like other families.

The cultural background is similar to most people.  They maintain a peaceful living and act mature in public.  This family acts as if they were given a job interview.  Depending on the type of day, they suit up or dress casual, they always want to look their best and never stress.  This family strives and overcomes overbearing obstacles.  Challenges is a family favorite.  If a challenge is too tough for someone else, they will continue this task until they are the first to complete it.  Most Sundays the family attends church unless there is a reason they do not attend.  This family's background comes from a tribe in North Carolina and they are known as "Black Foot Native Americans."  They are Christians that have a strong belief in God and will never believe in any other religion.  These few things is what this family believes is a good way of life and will continue doing it.  The young man believes that it is important, considering that it is a continuing family tradition, but he does not believe that is seems important since it is an everyday practice and it is synced into his brain so he does not have to think about doing it when it just happens.

Everyone has dreams and sets goals.  Those dreams can not become reality, or those goals can not be accomplished, unless you are determined to succeed in that area and work hard to succeed.  Nothing is given to you.  The young man hopes to succeed and begin a family of his own.  He hopes that he will enter into the 2016 Olympics and bring home the gold.  This young man is determined to succeed and will do anything to achieve his goals.  This young man owns the last name Carter.  His father has told him since his first day playing basketball, "You are a Carter.  Carter's do not give up! They work! They fight! They battle all the challenges in the way and they come out as the victor!"  Accomplishment is all he hopes for, in everything that he does.